Hello. My name is Kimla and I am a late bloomer. I got married late. Had children late. And fully embraced my passion late. Now, I'm on a mission and have no time to waste.
I've always been attracted to pretty papers and vintage ephemera, but over time, had to face the hard truth that I was doing more collecting than I was creating. I had all the photos, a surplus of supplies, and a burning desire to create with them, but yet, something wasn't right. I couldn't move into action. I wanted to document all the wonderful moments of my life and my family's life, but I was locked up in a big way. It wasn't until I took a hard and deep look at my resistance that I started to slowly confront what was holding me back. Good girl syndrome. Overwhelm. Fear of Feeling Good. Lack of Focus. People Pleasing. Fear of Failure. Perfectionism. I consciously changed my story and slowly began to build a system and new mindset for getting my creative expression down on paper.
Are you a reluctant/frustrated scrapbooker? Do you yearn to express yourself on paper with words, images, or photos? Have you given up on the hobby that you used to enjoy? Do you feel like it's too late and you'll never catch up so why even start? Are you new to creative documenting and don't know where or how to begin? Do you compare your own way of making to others and feel disheartened? I feel all your feels and I'd like to help you get back to doing the thing that brings you back to yourself.
My hope is that you stop wasting your time in a holding pattern and start, little by little, upping your joy game. I'll help you get crystal clear about what's important to you and how you want to spend your time and why you want to create. Start claiming and doing the thing you know makes you happy and fulfilled. Creative documenting isn't brain surgery and it also isn't for everbody. It doesn't have to make money. It doesn't have to make sense. It doesn't have to have have lofty goals or ambitions. And it doesn't have to be hard. Doing what feels good should be easy and light and fun. Have you forgotten the way? You feeling good and doing more of the thing that makes you feel most YOU is powerful, important, and worth fighting for. All by itself. Just because. Take back your joy and creative expression.
Less negative self-talk. More creating.
Less comparing. More creating.
Less consuming. More creating.
Less avoidance. More creating.
Your joy. Your peace. Your purpose.
Is there for the taking.
Let's play!
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